Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Becoming an Author


Here's some more writing advice:
When you think you're finished with your manuscript, put it away for a couple of weeks (if not months). When you take it out and look at it again, it will most likely be crap. That's ok. It happens to the best of us.
Keep writing.
Print out what you want to edit (meaning: purge, burn, cross-out, and rewrite) and go to town.
Repeat the process a couple of times and by the end you might end up with something presentable.
Then do precisely that. Present it. Take it to a critique group (in your genre!!). Have your worst enemy read it. Whatever you do, do not have your friends, your mother, your sister, brother, or father read it. They won't be honest. They can't. They don't want to hurt your feelings (and while this is sweet and may be quite the ego boost, it will.not.help your story)!

You can use software.

You can use online critique groups:

Then rewrite it again.
But here's another key thing to remember: Don't over-write it! Don't mutilate it. Don't over think it. You're most likely attempting to write a novel because somewhere along the line someone told you that you're a good writer. That you have a fantastic, overactive imagination. Trust in yourself and keep going.

Remember how far you’ve come, not just how far you have to go. You are not where you want to be, but neither are you where you used to be.